Saturday, June 27, 2020

Pride Month in Poland

In Poland, June was the Pride Month - it's about the LGBT community - write in the comments if in your country June is also a Pride Month


Legal and social situation of LGBT people in Poland

I won't write straight from Wikipedia this time, there is simply no point. The situation of LGBT people in Poland is critical. In 2020, in the annual ILGA Europe report, Poland was recognized as the most homophobic country in the European Union, taking the last place in terms of LGBT. However, there are more and more people belonging to the LGBT community in Poland from year to year. There is even a special organization for the protection of LGBT persons, and one of the political parties supports the LGBT community. But in the upcoming elections, unfortunately, the presidential candidate from this party unfortunately has 2-3% support, i.e. zero. In other words, Poland will probably never accept the LGBT community. In Poland, weddings and adoption of children by persons belonging to the LGBT community are strictly prohibited.


LGBT parades in Poland

Many LGBT parades are organized in Poland, where many people gather every year. They are usually larger cities, such as Warsaw and Poznań, less often in smaller ones. In total, a lot of equality marches were organized in Poland from 2001 to 2019, maybe even around 100. Unfortunately, it should be mentioned that a lot of critics gather behind pride marches, sometimes even accidents occur among critics, LGBT people, or even police, who keeps order on pride marches. Several other festivals for LGBT people are also organized in Poland.


English-Polish mini glossary

I will translate a few words related to LGBT

LGBT (ang. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) - in Polish: Lesbijki, Geje, Biseksualizm, Transpłuciowcy, so also LGBT in short

Homophobic - Homofobia

Homosexualism/Homosexual - Homoseksualizm/Homoseksualista

Asexualism/Asexual - Aseksualizm/Aseksualista

Bisexualism/Bisexual - Biseksualizm/Biseksualista

Intergender - Interpłciowość

Non-binary persons - osoby niebinarne

Pansexualism/Pansexual - Panseksualizm/Panseksualista

Genderqueer - Niebinarność/Niebinarne tożsamości płciowe or, we speak this word also in English so simply "genderqueer"

Genderfluid or Agender - Agenderyzm/Arodzajowość. "A" - lack/deny, gender(yzm), borrowed from English

Polysexualism/Polysexual - Poliseksualizm/Wielopłciowiec
Polyamorous - Wielokolorowy

Androphilia - Androfilia

Gynephilia - Gynefilia

Lithsexualism/Lithsexual - Litseksualizm/Litseksualista

Autosexualism/Autosexual - Autoseksualizm/Autoseksualista

Demisexualism/Demisexual - Demiseksualizm/Demiseksualista

Bear - Miśki

Straight ally - Prosty sojusznik

Pride Month - Miesiąc dumy

June - czerwiec

Parade - parada

Equality - Równość

Equality Parade - Parada Równości

march - marsz

The words "sexual", "sexualism" and "phobia" in Polish are read the same as in English

sexual - seksualista

sexualism - seksualizm

phobia - fobia


Polish meanings of colors on the main LGBT community flag

pink/sexuality - różowy/seksualność
red/life - czerwony/życie
orange/cure - pomarańczowy/uzdrowienie
yellow/Sun - żółty/słońce
green/nature - zielony/natura
blue/art - niebieski or błękitny/sztuka
navy blue/harmony - ciemnoniebieski/harmonia
purple/spirituality - fioletowy/duchowość

Now, however, pink is omitted


What do I think about LGBT?

Once I would certainly look at it in disgust. But now... I actually support LGBT people. Unfortunately, my parents are terrible homophobic people and certainly if I told them that I was, for example - bisexual - them would be angry, I hope that they wouldn'tt tell me to be treated. I think that LGBT people are also people, and the fact that they prefer, for example, a different gender or want to look different doesn'tt mean that they are sick, abnormal, they are normal people, they as we live, eat, have physiological needs, want to educate, work and live in old age in their own way. I'm begging you, do not criticize them, because it only shows how childish and irresponsible you YOU ALL act, criticizing people who are different from you. I'm not saying you must be friend LGBT people, just don't criticize them! I say this not only to Poles, but also to other people from around the world who are just waiting for a moment to criticize someone from the LGBT community.


There would certainly be more to say, but it would take a long time to write

Here is the links to Wikipedia:

CREDITS TO ARTSIT for articles from Wikipedia

This entry was not intended to offend the current policy of Poland, the ruling party, nor the president, the government and LGBT intolerant people.

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