Sunday, May 31, 2020

Basic Polish phrases 2

Second part of this entry:

In this post you will learn a little more Polish phrases, which are rather used everywhere. There will also be slightly longer phrases - sentences


I When you say hello and want to know how someone is doing and as a form of greeting

1. How are you? - Jak się masz?
How do you fare? - Jak się masz?/Co słychać?/Jak sobie radzisz?
How have you been? - Co u ciebie?/Jak się miewasz?/Jak się masz?

2. What's up? - Jak leci?/Co słychać?/Co tam?

3. How is it going? - Co/Jak tam u ciebie?


II When you wish a nice day to another person

1. Have a nice day! - Miłego dnia!/Życzę miłego dnia!

2. Have a good one - Miłego dnia
"Have a good one!" "You too!" - "Miłego dnia!" "Wzajemnie!"

3. Bless up - Wszystkiego dobrego/Miłego dnia (form of greeting)

4. Top of the morning to you - Miłego dnia/Wspaniałego poranka (greeting)


III When we want to ask if someone speaks a language, or say that we don't speak a language

1. Do you speak English? - Czy mówisz po angielsku?

2. I don't speak Polish. - Nie mówię po polsku.


IV When you don't understand something

1. I don't understand - Nie rozumiem

2. I don't understand what you're saying. - Nie rozumiem co mówisz.


When someone sneezes, or even when someone eats and drinks

Cheers! - Na zdrowie!


VI At restaurant, bar, etc.

1. The first thing you do when you go to a restaurant is to say "Good morning", "Good afternoon", "Good evening", right?
So let's get back to the first part of this subject...
Good morning or Good afternoon - Dzień dobry
Good evening - Dobry wieczór

2. When you are in a restaurant, you need a menu. Note that the menu is on the table or on the bar counter. You can also ask about the menu
Where's the menu? - Gdzie jest menu?

or politely

Excuse me where is the menu? - Przepraszam, gdzie jest menu?

The situation is easier when the menu is on the board. Unfortunately, but usually in smaller cities - the menu is all in Polish. If you're going to fast food, the names are the same!

3. If you've already choose on something, then you have to order it, right? For example, a pizza in a pizzeria

Excuse me, I would like to order a pizza. - Przepraszam, chciałbym zamówić pizzę.
Excuse me, I would like to place my order. - Przepraszam, chciałbym złożyć moje zamówienie.

Of course, often someone will come to ask if you have already chosen something.

4. If you understand the Polish menu or the menu is in English, it does not matter - then you may want to ask if a restaurant dish other than the menu is available.

Do in the restaurant available is... (name of the dish)? - Czy w restauracji jest dostępne... (nazwa dania)?

5. Or maybe you want to drink something?

I would like to order a juice/coffee. - Chciałbym zamówić sok/kawę.

You are 18 or older, so you can drink alcohol.
I would like to order a beer. - Chciałbym zamówić piwo.

6. When the waiter brings food to your table - you say: Thank you - Dziękuję.

7. When you sit at a restaurant table with many people - you say: Enjoy your meal - Smacznego

8. When you have finished your meal - you say: Thank you for the meal - Dziękuję za posiłek

9. If you leave the restaurant - you say: Goodbye - Do widzenia

10. Why do I discuss payment at the end? Because it's a difficult topic for a foreigner... How do you pay in dollars, euros or other currency? In smaller cities it can't be done! There is a greater chance of payment in these currencies in larger cities, such as Warsaw, Poznan, etc.

In Poland, apply mainly - Polish złoty/PLN

Of course, there are currency exchange points, I hope that before you decide to go to Poland, you will visit such a place.

More on this subject much later!


VII In any store

1. When you enter a store, just like you enter a restaurant, you say "Good morning", "Good afternoon", "Good evening". In Poland it is the same - but by reading my blog, you certainly already know, for example, how is "Good morning" in Polish.

2. There are many self-service stores in Poland - especially those where you can buy clothes or food. However, if you want to buy cigarettes or alcohol or something that only a store employee has access to - you must ask the employee who is currently at the checkout.

You say then:
I would like yet... (product name). - Chciałbym jeszcze... (nazwa produktu).
You can also add - please, at the end of the sentence
Please - Proszę.

3. The issue of payment is the same as for restaurants, bars, etc. Only currency PLN.

And I will mention that in the store usually the employee at the checkout will tell you how much you have to pay or amount will be written on the screen - however the first option is more possible. So you don't have to ask how much you pay. Most often, the employee at the cash register will only say the amount for the purchased goods.

4. Often you will probably forget the bags or anything else where you can hide your purchased goods. Don't worry! The employee will be able to give you a plastic bag, because only it is most often available in stores in Poland.

Just say:
Can I have a plastic bag? - Czy mogę prosić o reklamówkę?

5. And finally, when you leave the store you say "Goodbye" - "Do widzenia"


VIII Coronavirus in Poland - what about restaurants and stores?

The time with coronavirus is it has a hard time for all people in the world. Please be healthy!
There are 23,686 infections in Poland... I know it is nothing compared to the USA, where there are 1.818,983 infections and I have many friends there... I wish you all from the USA and all of America health!

This is the current number of infections, this may change

What about restaurants and store in Poland? At first, everything was open, but when the virus spread, the rules in the stores were changed - only grocery stores were open. Restaurants, bars, etc. were closed. In grocery stores there could only be a designated number of people, two meters apart - on the floor was a tape separating two meters. Until now, it is necessary to wash your hands with a special disinfectant liquid and put on protective gloves, and to keep a safe distance. Masks also had to be worn, but from 30.05.2020 you can't wear masks in the open air - you must have a mask in the store and in other rooms. Currently all stores are open, as well as some restaurants and bars - but you must keep the rules of distance, have a mask in the room and gloves. MANDATORY, WASH HANDS.

Currently, if you're in Poland at a restaurant with your family, you can sit down normally - but if you go to a restaurant with a group of friends, you must kept the distance. But they don't check your kinship, but better you adapt to the rules.


Next entries on Monday and Saturday or on Sunday!

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